An evening of semiotic striptease adjudicated by Jonny Porkpie and Iris Explosion, featuring practicing ecdysiasts Creamy Stevens, Fancy Feast, Peekaboo Pointe, Sizzle Dizzle, Tigger!, storyteller Peter Aguero, and moderators Porkpie, Brown '96, and Explosion, NYU '09.
An evening of semiotic striptease adjudicated by Jonny Porkpie and Iris Explosion, featuring practicing ecdysiasts Creamy Stevens, Fancy Feast, Peekaboo Pointe, Sizzle Dizzle, Tigger!, storyteller Peter Aguero, and moderators Porkpie, Brown '96, and Explosion, NYU '09.
Slam Up is an innovative mix of comedy and poetry through music and spoken word featuring Cali Bulmash and Emily Lowinger. They'll rap, sing, spit poetry, and grab you by the heartstrings with their tales of the many shades of love requited, unrequited, gay, straight, queer, or, well, just creative.