An evening of semiotic striptease adjudicated by Jonny Porkpie and Iris Explosion, featuring practicing ecdysiasts Creamy Stevens, Fancy Feast, Peekaboo Pointe, Sizzle Dizzle, Tigger!, storyteller Peter Aguero, and moderators Porkpie, Brown '96, and Explosion, NYU '09.
Explo(d/r)ing Symbol(ic)(isms) Inherent in the Post-Contemporary Neo/Classic (Classic/Neo) Ecdysiastical Paradigm, and the Meta-Erotic Liminality of Nude/Non-Nude Dissimilitude and the Eventualized Exposure of the Underlying Human Physicality/Psyche.

An evening of semiotic striptease adjudicated by Jonny Porkpie and Iris Explosion, featuring practicing ecdysiasts Creamy Stevens, Fancy Feast, Peekaboo Pointe, Sizzle Dizzle, Tigger!, storyteller Peter Aguero, and moderators Porkpie (Brown '96) and Explosion (NYU '09)