Playwright and Chicago cab driver Will Kern draws from personal experiences to create the alternately frightening, hilarious and poignant, Hell Cab. Throughout his long shift the bizarre and eclectic collection of passengers who enter our Hero’s cab, a trio of drug-addicts, a rape victim, a fellow cab driver, a smug lawyer, a born-again couple on their way to church, a randy couple on their way to a motel, and others bring about an emotional and existential transformation.
How lasting is a 30 second conversation? What do you really look like to those eyes in the rear view mirror? When do the barriers of passenger and Driver disappear? And can the Christmas spirit really restore someone’s faith in humanity? Do you really want to find out?
Rising Sun, who brought you the acclaimed revivals of “An Adult Evening of Shel Silverstein” & “The Shape of Things” (2004), returns to its roots and revives their 2002 NYC debut production of Hell Cab. Director Akia has gathered an immensely talented ensemble of over 20 actors who will be rotating through out the run, driven by Nic Mevoli who will be starring as the Cab Driver returning to Rising Sun after gaining national acclaim for his role in the independent feature film Exi
Martin Denton
November 26, 2005
If you've ever wondered why they have those divider-things between the front and back seats of New York City taxi cabs, see Hell Cab.
Full review

Robin Reed
November 09, 2005
The young, hip cast is smartly directed by Ackia, and takes turns on different nights playing many different roles and bring to life a number of unforgettable characters.
Full review

Featured: Reginald Ferguson, Nic Mevoli, Izabella Jakubas and Lindsey Smith
Featured: Nic Mevoli, Izabella Jakubas, Lindsey Smith, Reginald Ferguson