Horse Trade 10.2

Horse Trade presents
A No Tea Production of


(A Night of One-Act Romantic Tragedies)

Directed by Lindsey Moore

New York IT Awards

November 20- December 6
Thursday through Saturday at 8pm and Sunday, November 30 at 2pm

(no show on November 27)

UNDER St. Marks
(94 St. Marks Place between 1st & A)

PLUCKING FAILURES LIKE RIPE FRUIT is a collection of small works by big playwrights, all of which are about people trying, and failing, at love. Before each show, the audience will draw our performance order from a collection of more than 10 short plays, so every night is guaranteed to be a different show! Plays include Anything For You by Cathy Celesia, A Day For Surprises by John Guare, Breaking Even by Dan Dietz, 4 a.m. (Open All Night) by Bob Krakower, Miss You by David Auburn, Please Have a Seat And Someone Will Be With You Shortly by Garth Wingfield, Sure Thing by David Ives, 1-900-Desperate by Christopher Durang, Here We Are by Dorothy Parker  , Request Stop by Harold Pinter, and Cold by David Mamet.

PLUCKING FAILURES LIKE RIPE FRUIT features Alicia Barnatchez, Brooke Eddey, Sabrina Farhi, Richard Lovejoy, Jeremy Mather, and Jeff Sproul.

For the last year and a half, No Tea Productions has been staging off-off-Broadway shows, mostly brand new works by young playwrights in New York. With each show, we strive to be funny and entertaining, but also to always present a larger truth.

"A company to look out for … this young production company kicks out a tremendous show with an equally powerful ensemble." - Richard Hinojosa, 

"...A reason for hope for American theatre."
- Ethan Stanislawski, BlogCritics Magazine

The Cast and Crew

Alicia Barnatchez (cast) is so happy to be working with No Tea again having appeared with them previously in The Artistical Process of Mark and Andy, Already in Progress, and The Pigeon that Cries in My Heart. Alicia can also be found performing improv weekly with ComedySportz New York at the Broadway Comedy Club. By day, Alicia works as a Teaching Artist and is looking forward to finally completing her Master's Degree from NYU in Educational Theatre this semester. She hopes you like the show and thanks No Tea for another amazing opportunity!

Brooke Eddey (cast) was trained here in NYC at The School for Film and Television, T. Schreiber Studios, and did various workshops in Australia at The National Institute of Dramatic Art. She is thrilled to be able to be working with the No Tea family again after having such a smashing time acting in The Pigeon that Cries in My Heart and Already in Progress. Brooke would like to thank her incredible friends, family and loved ones for their support.


Sabrina Farhi (cast) is thrilled to be involved again with No Tea Productions. Most recently she appeared as Felicia in ManEater (2008 Estrogenius Festival), and as several roles in Dr. Oddbody's Phantasmagorium. Select credits include The Artistical Process of Mark & Andy (No Tea Productions), The Trojan Women: A Love Story (Laurie Theatre), The Wake of Jamey Foster (Laurie Theatre), Murder on the Nile (Dorset Theatre Festival), The Rimers of Eldritch (Theatre Unplugged), and the independent short This is How We Say I Love You. Sabrina received her BA in Theatre Arts from Brandeis University.

Richard Lovejoy (cast) has been appearing in the one man show The Dark Heart of Meteorology. Other recent stage credits include Death at Film Forum, 12th Night: The Drinking Game, Heart's Desire, The Credeaux Canvas, and Rhinoceros. His film and TV credits include Nosferatu: The Brides of Blood, William and Patricia, The Widowers of Lake Youwannatanna, All My Children, and the webs series Four If By Space Richard also performs Burlesque under the name Dick E. Lovejoy with Captain Sharky's Historical Gender Equality Reactualization Burlesque Society.

Jeremy Mather (cast) is enjoying his 5th No Tea show, having run lights for The Apologies and Pigeon That Cries in My Heart, contributed to Already in Progress as a co-writer/performer, and, most recently, played the role of Collin in The Artistical Process of Mark and Andy. He spends lots of time making movies and writing screenplays. His most recent short film, Straphanger, screened at Sundance, and he's just completed a feature-length screenplay, Tumbledown, which was praised in the Warrior's Voice newsletter as being "...unique, fascinating and original." Never mind that the praise was given by a good friend—Jeremy still believes him.


Timothy Mather (light and sound): Look, people, I’m a visual artist!  A freakin’ Poet of Light!  The Orator of the Ocular Cavity!  Each night, by redirecting electrical impulses using nothing but gorilla dust and half-truths (and those 4 incorrigibly hilarious Refocusable Lights,) I anchor the show with a certain je ne sais quoi, which translates “so it can be seen.” Before these players can frolic in your frontal lobe, I gotta jam some photons down your fovea centralis!  Prepare to have your rods rubbed and your cones cupped as I Walt Whitman my way through every light plot twist and power cord progression in a show about 10 short light cues and the meaningless expositional banter that happens in between them. Viva la Vision!

Lindsey Moore (director) is the Executive Producer of No Tea Productions, and is very proud of this show, which marks the 5th performance from the company. Lindsey's directing credits include The Artistical Process of Mark and Andy, Already in Progress, and The Pigeon that Cries in My Heart for No Tea Productions, Last Rites for the American Theatre of Actors, and WASP for BookPeople Players in Austin.

Lisa Nussbaum (assistant director) Plucking Failures marks Lisa's third No Tea production, having co-produced video for Already in Progress and stage-managed Mark and Andy. Lisa recently founded The 'Lab (with gracious support from No Tea)—a collaborative learning environment allowing members to experience all angles of video production, from directing and acting to producing and getting the perfect latte.

Jeff Sproul (cast) is the Artistic Director of No Tea Productions. He has written and produced his own plays (Minutes Later, Wake Up Slug!…With Chad and Barb) as well as acted in independent films (Flowers, Women Who Eat Meat) and numerous stage productions in New York and Colorado. Most recently, he wrote and performed in No Tea's The Artistical Process of Mark & Andy. He is also a designer, animator, and illustrator, having designed for The New York Musical Theatre Festival, Scholastic Publishing, and of course, No Tea Productions.

D. Robert Wolcheck (stage manager) is a non-profit researcher and photographer who has previously worked with No Tea on all of their other productions, both on stage and off. Dave is a decent actor, a damn fine stage manager, and good with many types of firearms.