Horse Trade 10.2

Horse Trade presents

Boatloads of Shame

by Rick Blunt and Robert J. Gibbs
Directed by Denis Henry

Thursday Thru Saturday
June 25-27
@ 8pm

Preview story at TOLD 7:00pm June 15

Tickets $18
$15 Student and Senior

In a house full of Catholic women, Rick learned that good girls don't like sex. Hear the hilarious description of how he learned otherwise while growing up and transitioning from blue-collar union worker to Shakespeare scholar and professional actor.

The Cast and Crew

Rick Blunt began his professional career climbing telephone polls in Chicago.  However, the larger than life personality of this former collegiate football and tennis player soon carried him into a life of performance.  He now is the proud owner of two Masters Degrees in Shakespeare, an array of sexual escapades, and a unique perspective on life.
Rick Blunt is a former telephone company worker, collegiate tennis and football player who has found his true calling on the stage.  He holds two Masters Degrees in Shakespearean Performance.  He is as blunt as his name.

Robert Gibbs holds an MFA in Shakespeare and Renaissance Literature in Performance. He is a writer and actor living in Los Angeles.
Dennis Henry is currently in his sixth season as an actor with the American Shakespeare Center in Staunton, VA. Professional directing credits include A Christmas Carol (American Shakespeare Center); Las Aventuras de Don Quijote, twice, national tours (National Theater for Arts & Education, Milford, CT) and Shakespeare's Coming Attractions (Excellent Motion Shakespeare, San Diego, CA). He would like to thank Rick Blunt for being Rick Blunt.