Long Shotz

Company: Amios

Inspired by a yearlong project documenting life in NYC, aMios Theatre Company presents LongShotz: Arrivals and Departures, two separate evenings of six brand new short plays that explore first and final looks at the city of New York.

One Step Beyond
By Imogene Bird
Directed by John Pieza
Featuring Lauren Berst, Joshua Coomer & Kristy Powers
Love is a realization thatsomeone else exists.

Little China
Written by Justin Yorio
Directed by Khris Lewin
Featuring Rob Hille, Melissa Ortiz & Mandi Masden
A stray cat provokes a NewYork City couple and leads to a surprising visit.

The Very True Chronicles of Aloysius the Traveller, in the Great Land of New York City
Written by P. Seth Bauer
Directed by Megan Hildebrand
Featuring Christian Haines, Genesis Oliver & Sean Lyons
When a man with a nobleheart and an epic sense of adventure arrives in New York City, it is inevitablethat he should make his mark. Aloysius the Traveller arrives on the shores ofNew Jersey and befriends a fisherman named Benjamin who agrees to ferry himacross the Hudson in search of great adventures and noble endeavors in theremarkable island of Manhattan.


Written by Pat Shand
Directed by Rob Hille
Featuring Zach Evenson, Jennifer LeBlanc & Alanna Wilson
When an old friend makes adrastic decision, Kyla watches her past collide with her present and is left topick up the pieces.

The Counter Offer
Written by David L Wilson
Directed by Rachel Dart
Featuring Justin Yorio, Kelli Crump & Jenna Panther
Negotiation is the name ofthe game when a representative of the 1% tries to peel one leader away from theOccupy Wall Street protest.

Whatever Happened to Baby Ngozi?
Written by Kate MacCluggage
Directedby Jessica Chayes
Featuring Michael Fulvio & Rob Robinson
A family drama about atruly unique family.