Horse Trade Theater Group & DANSE MACABRE THEATRICS Present: "KOOKAMONGA FALLS" The World Premiere of a new comedy With opening attraction "AMERICA 2.0" |
Begins FRIDAY, MAY 10th ONE MATINEE ONLY $15/$10 Students/Seniors |
From the folks who brought you "The Fugitive Girls!" and "The Stranger" Kookamonga Falls : It's a nice place to visit, but you wouldn't want to live there.
Critical Praise For Frank Cwiklik & DMTheatrics
"A visionary young artist who uses music, sound and light to create evocative and adventurous imagery on stage with consummate skill."
"exhibits a remarkable and compelling intensity. - Back
Stage, Jan 2002,
review of The Stranger
Frank Cwiklik (Director/Co-Producer & Artistic Director of DMTheatrics), creator of the acclaimed Bitch Macbeth and 2001's The Stranger, stages Fugitive Girls with muscular vigor and unstinting fervor. Cwiklik has been hailed by The Village Voice as "a tireless theatrical impresario who takes his work beyond moving and into the real."
Danse Macabre Theatrics was founded in 1998 by writer/director Frank Cwiklik, with the purpose of revitalizing the medium by way of a common sense approach to storytelling - no agenda other than basic, old fashioned entertainment. Its members feel that the most radical move one can make in theater is backwards - back into the basic genres, back into vaudeville and burlesque, back into the audience-friendly rough and tumble motifs that even Shakespeare and the Greek dramatists embraced and reinvented.
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CRITICAL PRAISE FOR DMTheatrics ---ãAudience members expecting an all-out campy catfight may come away surprised, satisfied and unsettlingly enlightened.ä--Elias Stimac, 4/02 Off Off Broadway Review of ãThe Fugitive Girls!ä ---ãThe most fun you can have at the theater for the money. . .these people may well become famous one day.ä--Martin Denton,, 4/02 review of ãThe Fugitive Girls!ä ---"Contains pretty much all the things mother warned you to avoid. See it. You have nothing to lose but your sanity.ä--Carlo Fiorletta, Stage Press Weekly 4/02 review of ãThe Fugitive Girls!ä ---ãexhibits a remarkable and compelling intensity.ä---Dan Isaac, Back Stage 01/02 review of ãThe Strangerä Kookamonga Falls is the first time since 2000 that DMTheatrics' Michele Schlossberg has assumed the directors' chair. Kookamonga Falls was written expressly by playwright Todd Miller for DMTheatrics and this Horse Trade production is the world premiere of his surreal comedy. |
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photograph by FRANK CWIKLIK |
Copyright 2002 Makaha Bay Design
Designer: Kimo DeSean
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