The Resident Artists @ Horse Trade
a production and development program

Please note -
( Due to volume we will not be able to return any materials: DO NOT send originals )

Who Can Submit

Producing groups, and artists in search of a nurturing environment to develop seasons, and artists with individual productions can submit. Space in the program is very limited, and details of your specific needs and goals are vital in the consideration process.

Please note, that resident artists assist in the operations of Horse Trade. This work is crucial to the operations of Horse Trade, and should be considered as a serious comitment. Residents are accepted on a season by season basis, with returning artists given calendar dates according to seniority in the program.

We work closely with each and every group, so a positive attitude and a general respect for the theaters and each other is expected.

What to send:

If Submitting a Production

Completed Script
Production History
Company History
Proposed Time Line
Financial Resources for the Production
Contact Sheet
Complete Prior Press History for Production

If Submitting a Season

Completed Scripts
Production Histories
Company History
Proposed Time Line for Season
Financial Resources for the Productions/Season
Contact Sheet for All Primary Company Members
Complete Prior Press History for Productions

Where to send:

Please note -
( Due to volume we will not be able to return any materials:DO NOT send originals )

Horse Trade
85 East 4th Street
NYC, NY 10003