For Imediate Release: |
Horse Trade Theater Group
Presents A Tom X. Chao Production Cats Can See the Devil Written by Tom X Chao Directed by John Harlacher October 24,25, 31 and November 1,7,8,14, 15 @ 10:30pm and Sunday November 16 @ 5pm Tickets: Adults $12 / Students & Seniors $8
“Cats Can See the Devil is part puppet show, part surrealist deconstruction, part exploration of the deepest anxieties of the subconscious mind, part desperate cry for help, part blatant exploitation of beautiful actresses, and mostly, very funny.” Joshua Tanzer
"Chao’s writing and his stage persona . . . are both, thank God, awfully damn funny. . . . the show span[s] great comedic heights."
Jeff Lewonczyk,
The script of Cats Can See The Devil has been selected for inclusion in Plays and Playwrights 2004!
Cats Can See the Devil begins as a puppet show. But it's not for children. It doesn't have a lot to do with cats, or the devil; but there is a self-hating talking cat, along with some of the strangest puppets you may have ever encountered. This wildly inventive theater piece combines this unique visual humor with Tom X. Chao's signature deadpan stage persona, delivering a hilarious and surprisingly touching story of The Narrator (Chao) confronting his loneliness. Chao and director John Harlacher fuse the two disparate stories using brave and honest writing paired with fearless stylistic leaps. Or you may wish to attend because we have five beautiful actresses. who chide, cajole, and full-on attack The Narrator! Damn straight! |
Join the puppeteers as they recount "The Story of the Abstract Geometrical Shapes With No Allegorical Content." Somewhere along the way, all of the Narrator's carefully constructed plans go to hell when the Nude Puppeteer leads a mutinous rebellion, leaving The Narrator to pick up the pieces of his puppet show. But what about the mysterious N. Semble who watches over The Narrator in his semi-conscious state? And who is the beautiful and winsome clinical psychologist, Dr. Evelyn Florentine? |
But what about the mysterious N. Semble who watches over The Narrator in his semi-conscious state? And who is the beautiful and winsome Dr. Evelyn Florentine?... |