Actors' Equity Association
Showcase Code Basics

This page is meant to introduce you to the Actors Equity Association (AEA) Show case code application and rules. It is not meant to take the place of reading the Showcase Code. The Showcase Code is very short and written in very plain and simple lagnuage, there is not reason for you to not read it.

Both the Application and the Basic Showcase Code are available on the AEA web site:

Showcase Code

Showcase Application

Actors' Equity Association Home Page

Please read through he Showcase Code, it is very important that you are aware of all the rules in this short CONTRACT, and do keep in mind that it is a contract. If you intend to use one or more AEA members in your cast, than you are required to agree to EVERY rule in this code.

There are a few rules that you should consider before you make your decision.
These are by no means the only rules, and you NEED to read the Showcase Code for the rest.

1) You will not be allowed to do this show again, either with or without the AEA member, for a period of one year. Unless you come up with the funds to do a full union production.

2) You will not be able to tape the show (digital, video, audio, et al); not for posterity, not for publicity, and not for any other reason you might think of.

3) You are allowed a Maximum of 16 performances, and they must all happen within a four week period.

4) You are not allowed to charge more than $18 per ticket.

Keep in mind that the rules in this agreement are meant to protect the actor, not you. So if things seem a bit skewed in favor of the actors, they are. The reasoning behind this is not baseless, as producers you hold a certain measure of power over the actors and AEA is simply trying to level the playing field. not all agree with this method, but if you plan to use an equity actor, then you have no other choice.

Do not loose any sleep over this application, it is not dificult and AEA knows that the people applying for a Showcase Code are not trying to, and have no chance at making any money for AEA or the actors to fret over. The Showcase Code Aplication is simple and easy and handled very quickly and efficiantly by AEA.