Danno, Rene and Colette all know the truth:reality is written, reality is planned. As reality TV show writers their job isto pull out the drama - capture that hair pulling, perfect table flip showdown!But when they are forced to re-cut the season finale to their Housewivesrip-off “The Ladies of Malibu” in three hours, not only do their jobs hang inthe balance, but their own sanity, as they’re forced to confront the real truthof how their choices have hurt one another.
The full-length version of CUT wascommissioned by and developed with The Management (based on a ten-minuteversion presented by Special Sauce Company). The production will feature NicoleBeerman*, Megan Hill*, and Joseph Varca. *Appearing courtesy ofthe Actors’ Equity Association
“IfQuentin Tarantino were to direct his own version of Office Space, it may comeclose to the level of comic firepower that is produced from this spot-on comedyby the incredibly talented Crystal Skillman.”
Michael Roderick, BroadwayWorld (Hack!)
“Justwhen you thought archaic forms of torture had lost their sex appeal… Skillman'susually canny play cuts a jagged swath between drama and thoughtful discourseon the topic of torture.”
Mitch Montgomery, Backstage (Critics Pick forThe Vigil or the Guided Cradle)
“Skillmanpicks up details of the trappings of our lives and makes them sing resonantly.”
Martin Denton,nytheatre.com (Birthday)
Meg Sturiano
MEG STURIANO (Director) is a teacher and director. Some recent directing highlights include Joshua Conkel's I Wanna Destroy You for EST'sBloodworks '09, the world premier of Julia Brownell's Extraordinary Circumstances, Pia Wilson's End of the World for New Perspectives, and her own adaptation of The Love of Three Oranges. Meg is currently part of the Women's Work Lab at New Perspectives Theatre and is returning for her second year to direct in Manhattan Theatre Source's Estrogenius Festival. Additionally, her one act play One for More Options was recently produced at the Bedlam Theatre in Minneapolis. Meg studied theater at Connecticut College, the National Theater Institute at the Eugene O'Neill Theater Center, the Lee Strasberg Institute, and the Moscow Art Theatre School. She holds an MA in English Literature from Hunter College. Currently, Megteaches and directs at Hunter College High School in Manhattan and at Acting Manitou in Maine. For The Management she has assistant directed Dorothy Fortenberry's Caitlin and the Swan, directed Joe Tracz’s Song for a Future Generation and the first episode of Joshua Conkel’s soap opera, Sinking Hearts. From there, she went on to direct for their Salon Series. She is now proud to be considered Management Material.
Cultural Capitol
June 01, 2011
a play about the seriousness of the entertainment industry, a post-modern meditation on Post-modernism.
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Doug Strassler
June 01, 2011
charts the quest of three young Los Angeles reality television writers for dignity and fulfillment
Full review

Andy Webster
May 27, 2011
the playwright Crystal Skillman presents a modest Hurlyburly for our time
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Michael Narkunski
May 25, 2011
A funny, idiosyncratic show about the people behind reality television, topped off with some gifted performances.
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Mark Peikert
May 25, 2011
a smart, tart comedy with three talented
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Aaron Grunfeld
May 21, 2011
They must find some juicy footage for the programs finale, Meanwhile, the same lurid material of reality TV adulteries, secret pregnancies and show-biz ambition threaten to undermine them.
Full review

Suzy Evans
May 20, 2011
Crystal Skillman's surprisingly touching and insightful new play about three Los Angeles reality television writers explores free will in a fresh context
Full review
