In a world where anyone can become an overnight YouTube sensation and tech CEOS are high-rolling celebrities, Blogologues brings the online craze offline for face time at UNDER St. Marks. Conceived by Allison Goldberg and Jen Jamula, Blogologues gives voice to what’s overheard in New York, what happens when parents text, and your missed connections.
Everyone is willing to spill their innermost secrets and craziest thoughts from the safety and seclusion of their laptops. There are over 52 million blogs hosted on Wordpress alone. What happens when the computer screen is taken away and replaced with a viewable audience? With bloggers’ permission, Lively Productions crafts clever entertainment from online voices, using multimedia to bridge the digital and tangible. Blogologues asks you to step away from your computer to laugh in real life at our weird new world.
“We think there’s an amazing array of new voices online,” wrote co-creators Goldberg and Jamula, “and we’re increasingly curious as to how we can humanize them through theater. We love using new media to help forge real-life connections; it’s the same type of idea we’re exploring with Why Are You On My Train.” Goldberg and Jamula also run the popular video blog,, in which they meet and interview strangers on the New York City subway and post weekly video montages to their site.
Blogoglogues will take on a new theme each month, including employment, America, self-help, religion, and travel. The piece aims to enliven traditional theater with an experimental series of fast-paced, enjoyable evenings that showcase new media.
LIVELY PRODUCTIONS presents new work for the stage by emerging artists, and seeks to create innovative theatrical opportunities in a world increasingly defined by real time interactions and new technologies. Through the cultivation of new work and exploration of projects based on current events, trends and new media, we endeavor to expand the definition of performance today. Lively Productions was founded in 2007 and became a registered 501(c)(3) organization in June of 2011.
T. Michelle Murphy
September 12, 2011
For an affordable, lighthearted evening of comedy
Full review
