May and Alia Do Pirates

Directed by: Eva Johansen

May and Alia have packed their trunks and set the seas. Travelling from Melbourne, Australia, the duo are making their debut international appearance at Horse Trade.
A low-fi homage to the cheesy, over-the-top silly-ness of Gilbert and Sullivan's original masterpiece. It's the chance they've been waiting for. The rest of the cast are held up in traffic, doubled over with food poisoning, have been eaten by the orchestra zombies (or maybe someone forgot to call them), and now there is no other option. May and Alia are going to have to perform the whole of ‘Pirates of Penzance’ BY THEMSELVES. With nothing to fall back on but funny voices, silly hats and hastily cobbled together sock-faced co-stars, what results is a lighthearted, clowning, puppeteering musical which condenses 2 Acts of 'Pirates' into a 50min musket-blast of awesome. ONE SHOW ONLY!