And I Am Not Lying

They're cock-rocking the NPR crowd with the best underground comedy, storytelling, burlesque and sideshow acts.
They're cock-rocking the NPR crowd with the best underground comedy, storytelling, burlesque and sideshow acts. This whole thing (and all of everything) is about getting together and getting EXCITED – just turn your phones off and shout it out loud.

The folks from the And I Am Not Lying blog ( put on one of New York’s most innovative and eclectic storytelling-based variety shows, featuring comedy, storytelling, music and sideshow.

In addition to their monthly show at Under St Marks (Every first Wed. of the month), they have also performed at South by Southwest 2012, sold out shows at the Black Cat in Washington, DC and The Middle East in Cambridge, MA, where they were presented by NPR affiliate WBUR in Boston."

Storytellers (and co-producers) Jeff Simmermon, Brad Lawrence and Cyndi Freeman have collectively appeared on This American Life, The Edinburgh Fringe Festival, the Moth Podcast & have won multiple Moth story SLAMS.

Story Telling by Jeff Simmermon, Brad Lawrence, Cyndi Freeman
Burlesque by Cherry Pitz
Side Show by Abigoliah Schamaun
Stand-up Comedy by Joyelle Nicole