15 Landscapes

Written by: David L. Williams
Directed by: Rachel Dart

The show is the sequence of 15 landscapes composed by performative actions where a man and a woman tell their relationship with the contemporary world which is in continuous evolution.
Saturday, April 9th 2011 at 8pm at Wild Project the Italian theatre company Senza Confini Di Pelle presents the absolute debut of his show "15 Landscapes"

The show is the sequence of 15 landscapes composed by performative actions where a man and a woman tell their relationship with the contemporary world which is in continuous evolution.

From love affair to politics, the human gesture is the key to read the complexity of social relationships in which the characters get lost during their constant pursuit of balance.

The music and theplasticity of the bodies make this show, which has a strong visual impact, very close to the performative arts.

The show is produced, directed and played by Dario La Stella and Valentina Solinas who in 2002 founded the company Senza Confini Di Pelle in Torino, Italia.