SWALLOW explores how modern relationships are both hindered and influenced by society’s idea of love and courtship when a pharmaceutical company invents a love drug called Amorex and assembles a panel of experts (a.k.a) “love gurus” to administer the test amongst unassuming couples.
Alix Fenhagen
(Reverend Sarah) Acting credits include: Party Discipline and Parallax, which she also co-wrote with the Subjective Theatre Company; Antigone (Mighty Theatre Company); Go, Dog, Go (MCT); Forensic and The Navigators (Michael Chekov Theater); Angel (New City Theater) and a variety of other collaborative projects around the city. Alix is a graduate of Northwestern and has studied at the École de Jacques Lecoq in Paris. Alix is also an award winning playwright.
Chongsi Chang
(Ms. Cosmo) Recently graduated The City College of New York, majoring in creative writing and theatre. This is her first year working with Subjective’s CoLab, and marks her professional debut as a writer and as a performer.
James Bently
(Dr. Maxxx) Off-Broadway: The Polish Play (Dir. Henry Wishcamper, Katharsis Theater). New York and Regional: The Third Seat (BoCoCa Theater Festival), A Midsummer Nights Dream, Romeo & Juliet, The Two Gentlemen of Verona, The Tempest (Hudson Valley Shakespeare Festival), Dissatisfaction #4 (Impact Theater), The Garden Party (Oracle Theater Inc.). The Sheep and the Whale (Immigrants' Theater Project). TV: Amazing Sports Stories: The Steagles (FOX Sports). Film: Smoke Out (CF Productions). James is co-founder and producer of Black Bag Pictures, a Brooklyn based film company. A graduate of Bennington College, he is thrilled to be working with Subjective Theater Company and CoLab.
Jason Grimste
(Adam) Wrote and directed the play Last Knight for his undergraduate thesis at New College of Florida. Relocating to New York, his musical aspirations took precedence. Having toured the country several times under his musical alias "brokeMC," his attention has turned once again toward writing and acting, most recently co-writing and acting in Subjective’s CoLab production of Parallax.
Jeffrey Whitted
(Director) Has served as Subjective's resident director for the past 2 years, most recently directing the collaboratively written pieces, TELL and Parallax. Regionally, he has directed two musicals for the Galveston Island Musicals. Jeffrey is also directing Subjective Films inaugural endeavor, Handsome Zombies. He received his MFA in directing from the University of Houston.
Jon Froehlich
(Dr. Edwin “Ned” Nadely) Most recently: Replikas: of Apocalypsis Cum Figuris & The Constant Prince (Theatre Kuden, at P.S.122), and Estragon in Waiting For Godot (Chimera Theatre Company). Co-founding member of Theatre Kuden under the artistic direction of Niky Wolcz. MFA Acting: Columbia.
Scout Durwood
(January)Is an NYC based actor, comedienne and burlesque performer as well as a founding member of Mighty Little Productions. (www.mighty-little.com). She is currently developing a new one woman musical thanks to a grant from Brooklyn Arts Exchange, set to debut this August in Edinborough, Scottland. (www.scoutdurwood.com).
ND McCray
June 03, 2010
Swallow pokes fun at love, sort of.
Full review
