Abhik Mukherjee

Abhik Mukherjee (Musician) was born in Calcutta in a family with a rich musical and educational heritage. He was initiated to sitar at the age of six by his father Sri Tarit Kumar Mukherjee. His father took training of Vishnupur gharana from Sri Gaurhari Kabiraj ji. Simultaneously he was taught by Sri Bimal Chatterjee, a leading disciple of Pandit Kashinath Mukherjee-a doyen of Imdadkhani-Etawah gharana.
Abhik remained under his father’s affectionate guidance till the age of sixteen when finally he was taken to Pandit Kashinath Mukherjee. Panditji (a leading disciple of Legendary Ustad Vilayat Khan and Ustad Amir Khan) took Abhik under his wings. He is also undergoing extensive training from Pandit Arvind Parikhji who is an internationally reputed artist and musicologist and senior most disciple of Ustad Vilayat Khan. Abhik received vocal training since his childhood from Pandit Kalyan Bose a disciple of Ustad Bade Ghulam Ali Khan- the legendary and inimitable vocal maestro. His first public performance was at the age of nine at the Governor House, Kolkata. Since then, he performed at various venues in India and abroad. He has collaborated with different genres of music and performed with Carnatic Classical musicians, Jazz musicians and other western genres of music in India and U.S. He was an active member of popular Kolkata based fusion band Layavinyas
Abhik is a gold –medalist from the Rabindra Bharati University, Kolkata, with a Masters degree in Musicology. He is a visiting-faculty member at the famous Pandit Jasraj School of Music Foundation, Tampa florida. More at: AbhikMukherjee.com.

Shows participated in:
Slash Wednesday (2012 - 13) Musicians