Scary Kimbrell

Scary Kimbrell (Associate Producer/ Celebrity Booker) is pretty sure that she is the love child of Andy Warhol and Betty Crocker and that she's living her life backwards, Scary is a native of Albuquerque, NM who was forced to move to Northern Virginia at the age of 5. She grew up raising rabbits and cutting her barbies hair off. Her father only wore Birkenstocks and her mother never dyed her hair.
Scary graduated from George Mason University with a degree in Art History. She regularly creates abstract thoughts, paintings, and postcards in her doubleWide art studio and enjoys all aspects of social media and pop culture.
Mostly she likes playing connect the dots with creatives. In addition to working as as a sign maker, she has the pleasure of being a mom to 3 kids and the wife of one husband.

Shows participated in:
Slash Wednesday (2012 - 13) Associate Producer