Adam Hamway

loves making people laugh! With over 20 impressions and 10 original characters under his belt, he uses these weapons of mass laughter to draw a chuckle out of his audience regularly with his improv group “The Internet”, his sketch show “On a Mission” with fellow performers Brittany Hamway and Rob Asaro, and on SiriusXM Radio. Most notably Adam Hamway auditioned for SNL at studio 8H in 2009 after being noticed on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon doing impressions of Jay Z, Snoop Dogg, Hank Hill from King of the Hill and Bill Cosby! Adam was also the national voice of Wendy’s during the launch of their “You know when it’s real” campaign from 2009 to 2010.  You may have also heard Adam in commercials for MTV, SiriusXM, T-Mobile, Dunkin’ Donuts and others.Adam has completed all levels of improve at UCB (Upright Citizens Brigade) and is represented by Abrams Artists Agency in their commercial department. He is also a producer and comedy writer for SiriusXM Radio in NYC making people laugh across the country, and loves every minute of it. If you want a good laugh from a dedicated-funny-impressionist-stage guy-comedian-producer-actor-voice over artist-man, then check out what Mr. Adam Hamway has to offer.  For more about Adam Hamway, check out his website, Oh and he bought a guitar for his wife.

Shows participated in:
On A Mission (2011 - 12) Performer