David Anthony

David Anthony (Pete/Cast 1/Producer)has been taking a byzantine path through the creative arts for the past 22years. He has worked actively as an actor, clown, juggler, writer, director,singer, song writer, photographer and for the past five years, has advised MTV, TMZ and independent films examining Compulsive Hoarding Disorder. He currentlyworks as a freelance photographer and performs in what most people consider thegreatest non-Irish, Irish band the world has ever seen, Three Pints Shy. DavidAnthony co-founded the Rising Sun Performance Company in 2001 and served asExecutive Director from 2001 through 2006. He returns as a producer of thisexciting production of Last Supper. Over the past 13 years, David has produceddozens of shows including one of the earliest productions of Picasso at theLapin Agile (through special permission from Steve Martin), the second New York showing of AnAdult Evening of Shel Silverstein, and numerous original works (including threeof his own). His projects have earned eight Knoxville Area Theater Coalitionnominations (with one win), two Innovative Theatre Award nominations, aNational and Presidential Youth Service Award and a “Rennie” nomination (yes,it's a real thing)

Shows participated in:
Last Supper (2009 - 10) Performer