Jeff Scherer

Jeff hails from Rochester, NY and Wilmington, DE, among other places, but New York City has become his hometown. He studied Writing for TV, Film & Radio at Syracuse University, and has written four screenplays, of which Skeletons was a semi-finalist both at the Austin Film Festival and on Project Greenlight. He and his friends formed the theatrical group Toolbox Productions and produced three plays, two of them at the NY International Fringe Festival: St. Rosita & the Francophone (which he co-wrote with Jeremy Carr), and Pipe Bomb Sonata (in which he played several roles). Since getting involved with improv comedy, Jeff has been in over a dozen teams and shows, performing at variety shows and theaters around New York, and plays to large audiences around the country as a member of the Chicago City Limits touring company. He is currently writing a children's book, a novel and an original series for television.

Shows participated in:
The Strange Box of Dr. Oddbody (2006 - 07) Performer