Adam Purvis

Adam Purvis (Author/Jack) would like to take the time to say thanks to Rising Sun for being foolish enough to put money into my first produced stage play. To thank Akia and the cast for working hard enough to make up for my slackness. To thank SNACK ( for doing more good than I ever will, and for letting us crash. To thank Mandi (the beautiful heroine of my real story) for making every day easier to wake up. To thank Clare for being so willing to use her knowledge to help us get it a little less wrong. And to George, Joey, and Benjamin- three most unlikely muses- thanks for being so perfect. He hopes that this production of A ‘Spress will be the last in a long, fun line of performances for him and the first in a long, fun line of written works by him.

Shows participated in:
A'Spress (2007 - 08) Playwright-Performer
DeCADEnce (2006 - 07) Performer